Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Stylist : We have professional stylists who can help you to create the show of your choice and according to high standards.

Body Art

Body Art

Body Art : facial and body paint.

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist : We can provide you professionals/famous makeup artist.

Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist : We have access to professional hair stylists.

Thai Female Models

Thai Female Models : We have access to a very large database of freelance and targeted models : male and female models, Thai and International, catwalk models, bikini models, theme models and super and top models.
See more: http://www.bangkokevententertainment.com/thai-female-models/

Thai Male Models

Thai Male Models

Models : We have access to a very large database of freelance and targeted models : male and female models, Thai and International, catwalk models, bikini models, theme models and super and top models.

International Female Models

Models : We have access to a very large database of freelance and targeted models : male and female models, Thai and International, catwalk models, bikini models, theme models and super and top models.